
tea plantations

Obscured view of Gunung Kerinci's peak

Day 32: Arriving in front of Gunung Kerinci

Rising early, I savored a traditional Indonesian breakfast in anticipation of my journey from Bukittinggi to Kersik Tuo, the gateway to Gunung Kerinci. My uncertainty about what awaited me there fueled a sense of nervousness. Google Maps offered no visible insights into Kersik Tuo, leaving me with just one accommodation option from my Lonely Planet guide. If that fell through, my backup plan involved navigating through the village, seeking assistance from locals who likely didn’t speak English. Up to this point, I had solely relied on WiFi from hostels and hotels, preventing me from accessing Google for real-time guidance. The…

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A beautiful vista of the Cameron Highlands

Day 13: On cloud nine at Cameron Highlands

Today, in the picturesque setting of the Cameron Highlands, I rose early, showered, and had breakfast, brimming with excitement as I anticipated my visit to the tea plantations. Meanwhile, Johan, who I met yesterday, had different plans—he intended to rent a motorcycle and explore the landscape. Despite his invitation, I hesitated to join him. My reluctance stemmed from my lack of experience in riding a moped, even though I possessed a license (obtained automatically with a Dutch driver’s license). The winding mountain roads in Cameron Highlands didn’t strike me as the ideal place for a beginner. In hindsight, I…

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