About this travel blog

Shoal Bay Beach, Anguilla 2012


[par-uh-dahys, -dahyz] noun
1. heaven, as the final abode of the righteous.
2. an intermediate place for the departed souls of the righteous awaiting resurrection.
3. (often initial capital letter) Eden (def 1).
4. a place of extreme beauty, delight, or happiness.
5. a state of supreme happiness; bliss.

Rendezvous Beach, Anguilla 2012

The choice of my travel blog’s name is deliberate. Throughout my world journey, I’ve explored what I consider paradises on Earth in the broadest sense. From lush rainforests, awe-inspiring volcanoes, and majestic mountains to tropical beaches, meandering rivers, vast oceans, and breathtaking glaciers – even bustling global cities – all find a place in this expansive category, according to my perspective. The primary objective of this website was to serve as a repository for the memories of those remarkable 202 days of travel, and I’m delighted to have accomplished that goal.

This blog is a celebration of the places that hold a special place in my heart, those I deem as paradises. Anticipate narratives and visuals featuring pristine white sandy beaches, tumultuous rivers, rugged mountains, iconic global cities, and sun-soaked landscapes. Beyond recounting my delightful experiences abroad, expect informative travel posts covering topics such as budgeting, driving in foreign countries, and common pitfalls to avoid.

About me

My name is Maarten Splinter, 34 years old. I was born and raised in Volendam, a small touristy village, 20 kilometers north of Amsterdam. I graduated with a lengthy master’s degree in Management, Policy Analysis and Entrepreneurship in Health & Life Sciences (MPA) at VU university. I am currently employed as an ICT consultant in Utrecht, for me a job full of learning opportunities and experiences. For fun, I watch movies and TV-shows, do fitness, cook a nice dish and work on this blog from time to time.

Kravica Waterfall, Bosnia 2022

How it all started

During my high school years, my mind frequently drifted into daydreams of embarking on a global adventure. Instead of delving into the intricacies of tectonic plates, earthquakes, and sedimentation during Geography class, my imagination soared amidst captivating images of volcanoes, rivers, and mountains. Envisioning myself conquering a volcano, traversing majestic mountain ranges, or leisurely enjoying a picnic by a tranquil river became my preferred mental escape.

The turning point solidified after a memorable excursion to the Caribbean, where the desire to embark on a world journey crystalized within me. Sooner than expected, the realization of that dream materialized, marking the beginning of my journey as a travel enthusiast. Subsequently, it became an annual ritual to plan and embark on various excursions, cultivating my passion for exploration.

Shoal Bay Beach, Anguilla 2012

Where I’ve been so far

Each country shaded in a light color on the map signifies my visit, although, to be humble, I must clarify that I haven’t explored every nook and cranny of these nations. For instance, my time in Turkey was limited to a four-day visit to Istanbul. In my view, Turkey offers much more to discover. On the contrary, I delved deeply into countries like Australia, Indonesia, Italy, Fiji, New Zealand, the United States, and Iceland, truly immersing myself in their diverse landscapes and cultures.

Travel bucket list

There are so many places I would like to see before I die, but the top of my bucket list is as follows:

  • China
  • Japan
  • Vietnam
  • Mexico
  • South-Africa
  • Madagascar
  • Patagonia