


Day 135: A cruise from Picton to Wellington

Today, I planned to take the Bluebridge ferry for my journey from Picton in the South Island to Wellington in the North Island of New Zealand. At 8 am, the alarm jolted me awake. After a quick pit stop in the bathroom, I hit the road, immersing myself in the bustling morning activity. Consulting Google Maps, I pinpointed a nearby New World supermarket. Eager to stock up before heading east to Picton, a quaint, hilly port town 120 kilometers from Nelson, I set out with shopping on my mind. At approximately 9:30 am, I bid farewell to Nelson and…

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Day 78: ‘Just a rainbow in the dark’

Rising at 7 am, I found my granduncle and grandaunt still in bed. With Rainbow Beach as my destination today, I quietly prepared for the journey while they slept. By 7:30 am, my aunt and uncle were up, and we shared a breakfast together. Following the meal, I captured some photos of my grandaunt and granduncle to share with my aunt in Holland. Expressing gratitude for their kindness, I offered my thanks, shared my mobile number, and bid them farewell. In that moment, appreciation welled up for everything they had done for me. My first stop was Woolworths in…

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