

The United States

Day 167: A rainbow, cliffs and a nice hotel room

Today, I planned to explore another waterfall at the Akaka Falls State Park. Around 8 am, the chatter of people in the dorm lobby, including Wendy, reached my ears, but I remained in bed until 9 am. By then, the voices had dissipated. Taking a leisurely approach, I savored some pineapple and a refreshing drink. As I indulged in my morning ritual, I engaged in conversations with friends back home, mindful of the 12-hour time difference in the Netherlands. Despite the dreary weather, which had persisted since yesterday evening’s drizzle, I found a strange comfort in it. Yesterday, the sound…

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Day 48: Baluran National Park, Africa in Indonesia?!

I woke up early, around 7 am, and had a light breakfast. Today’s plan involved visiting Baluran National Park, situated in the northwestern part of Java. Having checked into the Rosali Hotel in Situbondo the previous night, my intention was to stay here for two days. After breakfast, I inquired at the reception about renting a moped. Initially quoting 100,000 IDR, I negotiated and settled on a maximum of 50,000 IDR. Fortunately, my bargaining skills paid off, and the staff agreed. Within 15 minutes, the moped was delivered. When asked about my plans, I mentioned my intent to visit Baluran…

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