


Day 121: A scenic flight from Lake Tekapo

I woke up 10 minutes before my alarm, welcomed by the crisp morning air at Lake Opuha Picnic Area. An eager anticipation fueled my excitement for today’s exploration of Lake Tekapo. Swiftly leaving my current spot, I activated my car’s heater to ward off the chill. The morning held a delightful surprise in the form of a breathtaking landscape. Although familiar with the lake from the previous day, the majestic mountains in the background were an unexpected marvel. Enthralled by the scene, I snapped pictures, ensuring to capture the remarkably clean toilet block—a refreshing departure from the often unsightly…

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Day 120: Trying to find Edoras

I woke up around 9:30 am, feeling puzzled as the entire dorm was empty, my thoughts lingering on the elusive Mt. Sunday, the mountain I sought to visit today. There were five people sleeping here yesterday, and now they were all gone. Did I get confused again about the timezone change, like I did in Bali? No, I was sure I didn’t. Yesterday, I made sure to check the time online. With only 30 minutes left to check out, I hurried to the kitchen, grabbed some bread, and finished the leftover egg salad from yesterday. I ate as quickly…

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Day 104: The Snowy Mountains Discovery Center

I planned to explore the Snowy Mountains Discovery Center in Cooma today. Upon waking up, I observed that all the other caravans, campers, and cars had already departed. The night before, about six vehicles had occupied this space. Now, at 10 am, I found myself alone in this vacant expanse of gravel. After applying some gel to my hair, brushing my teeth, and taking care of morning necessities, I reflected on my decision to settle at a rest area approximately 20 kilometers north of Cooma yesterday. As a testament to my journey, I decided to capture an image of my…

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Day 64: Pura Gunung Kawi, pure tranquility

Despite setting my alarm for 9 am, I found myself awake around 7 am, ready to embark on a visit to Pura Gunung Kawi, a temple that awaited exploration. While my room seemed familiar, the distinct feature of being on the fourth floor was an instant reminder of the unforgettable events from the previous evening. After a dramatic encounter with a colossal black spider, I made the decision to switch rooms (yes, you read that correctly, no shame here, and no, I’m not one to shy away – you weren’t there!). Although I once held a tarantula at the age of…

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Day 27: Rafting back to Bukit Lawang

I woke up at 9 am but chose to sleep in since Jamie and Maguire were still resting. We had plans for rafting to Bukit Lawang that day. By 10:30 am, I finally got out of bed, leaving Jamie and Maguire sleeping soundly, seemingly unfazed by the flat surface. Our jungle base camp consists of basic shelters with several huts. The sleeping area is a long hut, approximately 3 meters by 10 meters, providing only rain shelter. One side of the hut lacks a wall. Although the ground is firm, it is flat. I didn’t mind spending one night…

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Day 26: Orangutans in Bukit Lawang

Scheduled for the tour at 8:30 am, today’s plan involved venturing into the jungle to encounter the orangutans in Bukit Lawang. Conveniently situated next to the jungle entrance, my guesthouse, Thomas’ Retreat, allowed me to wait on my terrace. I opted for an early cold shower and placed an order for breakfast. The shower’s water, sourced from the river, proved limited, prompting me to cut it short after 5 minutes. As I required water for the Western toilet, I became aware of my constrained water supply for both the shower and toilet. In Bukit Lawang, a small village nestled…

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Many crocodiles in one basin at the crocodile farm in Medan

Day 25: The crocodile farm in Medan

I woke up around 8 am to plan my activities for the day. Surprisingly, I found out that I would be visiting a crocodile farm in Medan later. With assistance from the Kesawa hotel’s reception, I headed to a tourist information kiosk, conveniently situated just 5 minutes from the hotel along the main road. The friendly lady there welcomed me and provided a small map of Medan along with a large map of central Sumatra. Inquiring about a tourist bus to Bukit Lawang, she marked Tobali Tours on the map, located just behind the Grand Mosque of Medan. Without hesitation…

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Kampung Kuala Tembeling with a view on Tembeling River

Day 10: Taman Negara by boat

The agenda for the day involved a journey to Taman Negara by boat. I woke up at 7 am, rushed through a quick shower, and swiftly navigated the streets of Kuala Lumpur. Spotting a bank at the nearby street corner, I made a point to withdraw some cash, anticipating the need in the world’s oldest rainforest over the next few days. The banks, unfortunately, proved uncooperative – a frustrating ordeal of attempting withdrawals from four different banks. Adding to the annoyance, only after going through the entire ATM menu did I receive the notice of card refusal. Accepting defeat after this…

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