

The United States

Day 174: Golden Gate Park and Lands End

Today, I planned to explore the stunning Golden Gate Park in San Francisco before catching my flight to Las Vegas. We woke up around 10 am, with Phillip rousing me from my slumber as he was keen on grabbing breakfast. Feeling groggy, I wasn’t accustomed to hostel breakfasts, preferring something more indulgent, as usual. Yesterday evening, I had already packed my bag in preparation for departure day today. It was time to move on to a new destination. My flight was scheduled to depart in the evening around 8 pm. We had a mediocre breakfast and departed around 10:50…

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Day 141: ‘Let’s face it mr. Frodo, we’re lost!

Today, I planned to explore Emyn Muil, the iconic movie location featured in the opening scenes of “The Two Towers” from Lord of the Rings, where Frodo and Sam are seen lost in Mordor. Rising at 9 am, I had ample time for breakfast and to step out of my room. The weather was splendid! While the past two days were decent, today presented a cloudless sky, signaling the perfect moment to visit Emyn Muil, my chosen Lord of the Rings movie location. I headed towards Whakapapa Village, a roughly 50-kilometer drive from Turangi, reaching there by 10:30 am…

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Day 136: Chasing the movie locations, part II

Today, I planned to explore more than one Lord of the Rings movie location on New Zealand’s North Island. I woke up at 7:45 am feeling tired but knew I had to get up. The plan was to buy a parking ticket for two hours, then return to bed. By 8:15 am, I hadn’t been asked to pay yet, which seemed odd. Since I couldn’t insert any coins, I chose to go back and catch some more sleep.At 9:40 am, I woke up, feeling refreshed after some much-needed sleep. The bed was incredibly comfortable. After checking out…

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Day 119: On the other side of the world

Embark on a digging journey in Amsterdam, continue the excavation, and you’ll find yourself approximately 400 kilometers south of my current location—yes, you’ve reached New Zealand! Yesterday, at approximately 11:30 pm, I boarded my flight to Christchurch, New Zealand. I was en route to a country I had longed to visit ever since my childhood, sparked by my first viewing of Lord of the Rings. My goal was to explore as many movie locations as possible. The flight proved comfortable, free from turbulence or any unexpected disruptions. The flight lasted three hours, and as usual, I couldn’t manage…

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Sunset at Willow Park, Australia

Day 109: Willow Park in Rosedale

I rose early at 6:30 am, anticipating a rather uneventful day, only to be rewarded with a stunning sunset later at Willow Park in Rosedale. However, upon waking, a hint of nausea urged me to hastily exit the car. After hydrating and a quick pit stop, a flurry of thoughts raced through my mind: ‘You’ve got to be kidding me; I can’t afford to get sick right now. Tomorrow, the real excitement begins!’ In the chilly morning, I layered up with my vest and even donned my winter jacket. Despite feeling an improvement, the cold persisted. Last night, the…

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Day 97: Beaches and the Harbour Bridge climb

Awoke at 9:30 am, gearing up for a day that would include a visit to Coogee Beach and the Harbour Bridge climb. After rousing Daniel and Michele, who were eager to join me on the Coogee beach excursion, I remembered Sharon, the Dutch girl, praising the beach and enticing us with the idea of the coastal hike from Coogee to Bondi Beach. Adding to the excitement, Daniel had booked the Harbour Bridge climb for the day, giving us until around 4 pm before we needed to depart. I swiftly prepared, as did the others. In the kitchen, I encountered…

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Day 96: A walk to the car and doing nothing again

Around 11 am, I reluctantly rose to head to my car at Rushcutters Bay Park. Despite feeling tired, sending my postcards was a priority for the day. Three days ago, I had diligently written three letters, all set to be mailed, but the crucial post stamps were still in my car. Trudging from the hostel to King’s Cross, I continued downhill towards Rushcutters Bay Park where my car was parked on New Beach Road. To my relief, it was still there! At the back hatch of the car, I delved into my backpack in search of vitamin pills. Recognizing my…

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Day 23: Activities in and around Banda Aceh

Where do I begin with today’s report? It was a whirlwind of activities in Banda Aceh. I gathered numerous impressions, witnessed beautiful sights, and delved into the rich history of Banda Aceh. My preconceptions about this city and its citizens have undergone a significant shift in these past days. I initially anticipated a more conservative atmosphere, expecting to change my clothes at the Grand Mosque yesterday. However, to my surprise, the locals were perfectly fine with my touristy outfit (t-shirt and shorts). No one appeared offended by my attire. Everywhere I go, the people exude hospitality, accompanied by warm smiles…

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