

Beach in front of the Beachouse Resort in Fiji

Day 156: Relaxing at Beach House

Today, I’m heading back towards Nadi, with plans to spend the night at the Beachouse Resort, a cool haven for backpackers. I woke up earlier than anticipated, at around 7:30 am. Despite my desire to sleep in, it seemed like it wasn’t in the cards. As I stirred, I appreciated the quietude enveloping the dorm – everyone had already left. Kevin and Laura were having breakfast in preparation for their shark dive, the UK couple Chris and Sara were likely en route to Suva, and the rather aloof German girl was also at the dive shop. I wasn’t eager to…

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Day 135: A cruise from Picton to Wellington

Today, I planned to take the Bluebridge ferry for my journey from Picton in the South Island to Wellington in the North Island of New Zealand. At 8 am, the alarm jolted me awake. After a quick pit stop in the bathroom, I hit the road, immersing myself in the bustling morning activity. Consulting Google Maps, I pinpointed a nearby New World supermarket. Eager to stock up before heading east to Picton, a quaint, hilly port town 120 kilometers from Nelson, I set out with shopping on my mind. At approximately 9:30 am, I bid farewell to Nelson and…

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Day 112: St Kilda’s Esplanade and a night out

I woke up late in the hostel, feeling groggy and disoriented. Simone and Harry had already left, but I didn’t want to waste a moment in this beautiful city. The weather was simply gorgeous, and I knew I had to get to the beach. I quickly packed my bag with a towel, two cans of Coca Cola, a book and my sunglasses. As I walked towards Coles Supermarket, I passed the Esplanade, a breathtakingly wide street that left me awestruck. I took out my camera and snapped a few pictures, completely lost in the moment. The streets were incredibly wide…

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Sunset at Willow Park, Australia

Day 109: Willow Park in Rosedale

I rose early at 6:30 am, anticipating a rather uneventful day, only to be rewarded with a stunning sunset later at Willow Park in Rosedale. However, upon waking, a hint of nausea urged me to hastily exit the car. After hydrating and a quick pit stop, a flurry of thoughts raced through my mind: ‘You’ve got to be kidding me; I can’t afford to get sick right now. Tomorrow, the real excitement begins!’ In the chilly morning, I layered up with my vest and even donned my winter jacket. Despite feeling an improvement, the cold persisted. Last night, the…

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Day 108: Ninety miles of golden sand at Ninety Mile Beach

I woke up in my comfortable hostel bed at around 5 am. Today’s plan involved visiting Ninety Mile Beach in Victoria, Australia. Ever experienced that incredible feeling when you wake up in the middle of the night, glance at the clock, and realize it’s only 3 am when your alarm is set for 6 am? Well, I had that experience now, and with plenty of hours left to sleep, I happily turned over and slept in. Around 9 am, I woke up just before my alarm went off, enjoying the comfort and coziness of the place. The best part was…

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Day 88: Reaching the easternmost point of Australia

Today’s destination: Cape Byron Lighthouse in Byron Bay, the easternmost point of Australia. This morning, I woke up at Sleepy Hollow rest stop, located approximately 40 kilometers south of Gold Coast. Despite its eerie nighttime ambiance, with only a toilet facility, it unnerved me a bit. A snake warning sign added to the suspense, and in the pitch darkness, the place took on an unsettling vibe. The toilets were far from inviting, making me contemplate the merits of sleeping in a place without them and opting for the simplicity of nature’s restroom, even if it meant peeing in the bushes…

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Day 69: Cairns, you can’t always throw a six with the dice

I touched down in Darwin around 3:00 am local time, en route to Cairns in Queensland, Australia. The time difference in Darwin was 1.5 hours ahead of Bali and 8.5 hours ahead of the Dutch time zone. Throughout the flight to Darwin, I enjoyed the comfort of the emergency exit seat. The flight attendant provided me with an immigrant questionnaire, featuring standard inquiries about my purpose in Australia, destination, and activities. I responded to yes-or-no questions such as whether I was a criminal or intended to reside in Australia. I found myself needing to provide a respondent address on…

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Day 62: Tanah Lot and a night out in Kuta

Waking up at 9 am, I geared up for a day exploring Tanah Lot on a moped from Kuta. But first, there was a pressing matter – my laptop needed attention. The maze-like streets of Kuta made memorizing a route seem futile, so I relied on road signs to guide me to Denpasar. Navigating solely with my less-than-reliable Google Maps photos felt like a gamble, yet miraculously, I made it. It took some time on the broad and lengthy main road, but eventually, I discovered the Acer service shop nestled between the Holland Bakery and the hospital after consulting locals for…

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Day 60: Places to visit in Jimbaran

Today, my agenda included various wonderful places to visit in Jimbaran. Although I intended to catch the sunrise at the hotel’s rooftop infinity pool upon waking up, I ended up oversleeping. Around 9 am, I made my way up there, and Helmi opted not to join me. The views were breathtaking, and the weather was perfect. The best part was the complete absence of other guests – I had the entire swimming pool to myself! I spent an hour swimming, savoring the view, and working on my tan. From this vantage point, I enjoyed a fantastic view of Kuta Beach and…

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Day 55: Final PADI course day

Once again, I awoke at 7 am, filled with excitement as today marked my final PADI course day in Amed, concluding with the attainment of my PADI diver’s license. Breakfast proved delightful with another serving of the beloved banana pancake. Arriving promptly at the diving resort around 8 am, I prepared for the final course day. The owner of the diving company sought some last-minute details for my license and requested payment of the tuition, which I promptly provided. Today’s dive site, known as ‘Amed Wall’, awaited exploration. The weather, being splendid, fueled my hopes for its continuation, enabling me…

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