


Day 121: A scenic flight from Lake Tekapo

I woke up 10 minutes before my alarm, welcomed by the crisp morning air at Lake Opuha Picnic Area. An eager anticipation fueled my excitement for today’s exploration of Lake Tekapo. Swiftly leaving my current spot, I activated my car’s heater to ward off the chill. The morning held a delightful surprise in the form of a breathtaking landscape. Although familiar with the lake from the previous day, the majestic mountains in the background were an unexpected marvel. Enthralled by the scene, I snapped pictures, ensuring to capture the remarkably clean toilet block—a refreshing departure from the often unsightly…

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Day 120: Trying to find Edoras

I woke up around 9:30 am, feeling puzzled as the entire dorm was empty, my thoughts lingering on the elusive Mt. Sunday, the mountain I sought to visit today. There were five people sleeping here yesterday, and now they were all gone. Did I get confused again about the timezone change, like I did in Bali? No, I was sure I didn’t. Yesterday, I made sure to check the time online. With only 30 minutes left to check out, I hurried to the kitchen, grabbed some bread, and finished the leftover egg salad from yesterday. I ate as quickly…

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Day 105: Climbing to the summit of Mount Kosciuszko (2228 m)

My mission for the day? Conquer the summit of Mount Kosciuszko. At 9 am, I rose to face the day, greeted by persistently gloomy weather. The previous evening had been marred by drizzles, and the forecast didn’t promise any relief for the next three days, as warned by the knowledgeable lady at the Cooma information center. After a quick morning routine – teeth brushed, a quick visit to the less-than-ideal eco-toilet – I set out from the campsite, embarking on a 15-kilometer drive to Thredbo. Swiftly arriving, I grappled with a decision: ascend the mountain or embrace inertia for the day. The…

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Day 104: The Snowy Mountains Discovery Center

I planned to explore the Snowy Mountains Discovery Center in Cooma today. Upon waking up, I observed that all the other caravans, campers, and cars had already departed. The night before, about six vehicles had occupied this space. Now, at 10 am, I found myself alone in this vacant expanse of gravel. After applying some gel to my hair, brushing my teeth, and taking care of morning necessities, I reflected on my decision to settle at a rest area approximately 20 kilometers north of Cooma yesterday. As a testament to my journey, I decided to capture an image of my…

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Day 102: The Three Sisters and the Giant Stairway

I woke up a bit late, around 9 am. The plan for the day was to visit The Three Sisters in the Blue Mountains. Feeling surprisingly refreshed from the comfortable hostel bed, I got dressed and promptly checked out. After retrieving my belongings from the refrigerator, I headed to the Blue Mountain National Park, conveniently just 1 kilometer away from the hostel. The Blue Mountains Backpackers Hostel offered excellent value for money, and I wholeheartedly recommend it to others. I parked my car near the lookout and attempted to pay at the parking meter, but it didn’t work despite putting…

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Wentworth Falls

Day 101: Wentworth Falls

I woke up around 9 am, ready for a day trip to the Blue Mountains and Wentworth Falls. My phone automatically adjusted for the time change, evident when my watch showed it was an hour later. Swiftly, I got up and left the hostel. Today, I had to make the solo trek to the car, unlike yesterday. New Beach Road was approximately 2 kilometers away. Making a quick stop at Coles supermarket for some bread, I then drove the car back and parked it in front of the hostel. At the hostel, I purchased a 30-minute parking pass and retrieved…

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Day 85: Australia Zoo, Sanctuary Cove and Mt. Tamborine

I awoke at approximately 6:20 am and departed from the parking lot near Noosa Main Beach. Today’s plan included a visit to Australia Zoo and a meetup with Seul-ki, a friend I had encountered on Fraser Island. Driving around Noosa, I enjoyed breakfast at another parking spot conveniently located in front of Toshi and Jeong’s school. With breakfast concluded, it was time to bid farewell to Noosa. The past few days had been delightful, filled with laughter and enjoyable moments alongside those two delightful Asians. Despite their limited English vocabulary, it brought a smile to my face, especially when…

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Twilight at Mount Archer, Rockhampton

Day 75: Rockhampton’s Botanical Gardens, Zoo and Mt. Archer

Around 7:15 am, my day began with plans to explore Rockhampton’s Botanical Gardens, Rockhampton Zoo, and Mount Archer. The atmosphere in my family’s home was relaxed, and they had prepared a delightful breakfast for me. The pace of things in this household after my arrival yesterday, was slow and easy, a welcome change after a week of rushing. I appreciated the opportunity to take things at a more leisurely pace. Typically, I would quickly grab something to eat and move on, but the unhurried breakfast allowed for a more enjoyable experience. Over the meal, my grandaunt shared stories about…

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Day 72: Josephine Falls and Townsville

I awoke at 7 am, anticipating a visit to Josephine Falls with Moni. However, she returned, reporting that the sunrise was obscured by clouds. Experiencing considerable discomfort from a restless night, I had managed only three hours of sleep. Faced with the task of doing the dishes without soap, I recalled a car stopping nearby the previous night, and the driver had used a water tap. Unfortunately, my forgetfulness in the supermarket had left me without soap. I resorted to placing the dirty dishes in a plastic bag, intending to address them later. We departed swiftly, as today’s journey involved…

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Day 66: Pura Ulun Danu Beratan and the Jatiluwih rice fields

The destination for the day was Pura Ulun Danu Beratan, a temple that had been on my bucket list. I overslept by an hour, missing my set alarm. Despite feeling tired and tempted to sleep in, I compelled myself to get out of bed and kickstart the day with a shower. The clock on my phone read 8 am. Regrettably, I had forgotten to visit Pura Ulun Danu Beratan during my time in Lovina, but I realized I could still make the journey from Ubud. I still didn’t have GPS, so finding my way from Ubud to the main road…

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