
local dishes


Day 60: Places to visit in Jimbaran

Today, my agenda included various wonderful places to visit in Jimbaran. Although I intended to catch the sunrise at the hotel’s rooftop infinity pool upon waking up, I ended up oversleeping. Around 9 am, I made my way up there, and Helmi opted not to join me. The views were breathtaking, and the weather was perfect. The best part was the complete absence of other guests – I had the entire swimming pool to myself! I spent an hour swimming, savoring the view, and working on my tan. From this vantage point, I enjoyed a fantastic view of Kuta Beach and…

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Day 59: Jimbaran it is, the reunion with Helmi

Today proved to be a bustling day as I prepared to depart Gili by ferry and immediately head to Jimbaran on Bali via taxi. Rising at 9 am, I had a quick breakfast. Having packed everything the previous night, I was ready for the journey. I settled the payment with the homestay host, expressing my gratitude for the pleasant stay with the family. At 10 am, I bid farewell to Eva and Hanna before boarding my boat around 10:30 am. Initially expecting an hour-long journey from Gili by ferry, it turned out to be a 2-hour sail to Amed…

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Day 58: Last day on Gili Trawangan

Today signified my final day on this island, filled with nothing but relaxation and delectable food on Gili Trawangan. I rose early to text Eva. She responded, sharing the news that the booze cruise had been canceled due to insufficient sign-ups. Mixed emotions filled me upon reading her message—I had eagerly anticipated the cruise, yet the prospect of returning to bed for a few more hours of sleep was enticing. Succumbing to the latter, I dozed off again and enjoyed an additional two hours of rest. Later, Eva messaged me, suggesting we rendezvous at the beach around 1 pm…

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Day 47: The Batu Secret Zoo and new friends

Today’s agenda included a visit to the Batu Secret Zoo, a plan contingent on having my own rented moped, a seemingly scarce luxury in Malang. I was stirred awake by some commotion nearby; the telephone at the reception was incessantly ringing, yet no one seemed to be responding. After lingering in bed for about fifteen minutes, I decided to rise and head to the reception. I had a hunch that the incessant phone calls were meant for me. Outside the lobby, I encountered the hotel staff and requested someone to answer the persistent phone. The man obliged and handed the…

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Day 44: The Grojogan Sewu Waterfall

Today, Danny and I had plans to visit the Grojogan Sewu Waterfall. My alarm buzzed at 7:30 am, but I found it challenging to rise. Six pillows were strewn across the bed, with two more resting on the floor. I reached for my phone and sent a message to Danny, asking, ‘Are you coming at 8 or 9?’ Danny promptly replied, ‘Still sleepy, I’ll be there around 9 am.’ I smiled and reset my alarm. In just five minutes, I drifted back into a deep slumber. At around 8:30 am, I finally rose from bed and packed my…

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Day 43: Window shopping in Solo

The day held the promise of Danny guiding me through the city of Solo. Around 10 am, I woke up in the spacious king-size bed, reveling in its comfort and size. While showering, I indulged in some music, taking my time under the soothing massage shower. Life felt fantastic, and this was just the beginning of my day. After my shower, I tended to a wound on my left foot, a remnant from walking barefoot in the rocky waters of Pantai Air Manis in Padang. Fortunately, it was nearly healed. Since my time in Padang, I diligently applied a plaster…

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Day 42: Gunung Merapi and Indonesian generosity

As I bid farewell to Yogyakarta today, I aimed to savor one last ride on my moped by visiting an observation point for Gunung Merapi. Rising at 4:30 am, I prepared myself, plugged in my headphones, and cruised towards the Borobudur temple once more. Since my arrival three days ago, I had become familiar with the city. Although every street in Yogyakarta seemed similar, I now felt oriented, recognizing the distinct signs of my street and surroundings. Upon reaching a point 40 kilometers north of Yogyakarta, I made a right turn towards Gunung Merapi, eager to capture a scenic…

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Day 41: Kukup Beach

Opted to extend my stay in Yogyakarta for a day to explore Kukup beach along the southern coast. So I secured an extra night at my accommodation and prolonged the moped rental. Despite intending to start my day early, I ended up oversleeping. At 9 am, I rose and enjoyed a swift breakfast by the pool. As mentioned earlier, my time at Tropis Homestay has been fantastic, largely due to the exceptional owners. Each morning, I’d relish breakfast by the pool, skillfully prepared and served by the homestay’s gracious hostess. Post serving, she’d inquire about my plans and offer insightful…

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Day 35: Meeting my abang at the electronics store in Padang

Yesterday, at 9 pm, I bid farewell to Subandi Homestay and embarked on a journey to my next destination: Padang. Anticipating a feast of delightful cuisine in Padang, I set out on a 6-hour drive north from Kersik Tuo, retracing my steps towards Bukittinggi. Nestled along the Indian Ocean, Padang, the capital of West Sumatra, held the promise of stunning beaches. My upcoming plan included exploring Padang before catching a flight to Java from the local airport in the days to come. As my pick-up rolled into Kersik Tuo, I noticed a group of friendly Indonesian locals already occupying the…

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A beautiful vista of the Cameron Highlands

Day 13: On cloud nine at Cameron Highlands

Today, in the picturesque setting of the Cameron Highlands, I rose early, showered, and had breakfast, brimming with excitement as I anticipated my visit to the tea plantations. Meanwhile, Johan, who I met yesterday, had different plans—he intended to rent a motorcycle and explore the landscape. Despite his invitation, I hesitated to join him. My reluctance stemmed from my lack of experience in riding a moped, even though I possessed a license (obtained automatically with a Dutch driver’s license). The winding mountain roads in Cameron Highlands didn’t strike me as the ideal place for a beginner. In hindsight, I…

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