


Day 81: Last day in paradise, for now…

Today on Fraser Island, our main destination was Lake McKenzie. I awoke around 6 am, courtesy of Simen, who roused everyone by playing his massive didgeridoo in each tent—quite a wake-up call, haha. After a 40-minute breakfast, we departed from the camp. Since it was our last day, an early start was essential, providing us with more time to enjoy Lake McKenzie. This time, instead of heading north along the beach, we went south. After ten minutes, we turned right, leaving the beach. Despite traversing soft sand, our journey was somewhat bumpy. It didn’t bother me, but I could…

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Day 79: Back to paradise: Fraser Island

Excited, I rose at 6:30 am, anticipating the start of my 3-day tour on Fraser Island. After a quick hair fix using the car mirror and a refreshing gulp of water, I prepared to hit the road. Although the gas station attendant had suggested parking in front of her house on her lawn, I chose not to leave my car unsecured for the two days, heeding my granduncle’s warning about car thefts in Australia. Opting for secure parking, I paid 18 AUD at the Rainbow Sands Hotel, receiving a key to the fenced parking area located beside the hotel…

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Twilight at Mount Archer, Rockhampton

Day 75: Rockhampton’s Botanical Gardens, Zoo and Mt. Archer

Around 7:15 am, my day began with plans to explore Rockhampton’s Botanical Gardens, Rockhampton Zoo, and Mount Archer. The atmosphere in my family’s home was relaxed, and they had prepared a delightful breakfast for me. The pace of things in this household after my arrival yesterday, was slow and easy, a welcome change after a week of rushing. I appreciated the opportunity to take things at a more leisurely pace. Typically, I would quickly grab something to eat and move on, but the unhurried breakfast allowed for a more enjoyable experience. Over the meal, my grandaunt shared stories about…

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Day 66: Pura Ulun Danu Beratan and the Jatiluwih rice fields

The destination for the day was Pura Ulun Danu Beratan, a temple that had been on my bucket list. I overslept by an hour, missing my set alarm. Despite feeling tired and tempted to sleep in, I compelled myself to get out of bed and kickstart the day with a shower. The clock on my phone read 8 am. Regrettably, I had forgotten to visit Pura Ulun Danu Beratan during my time in Lovina, but I realized I could still make the journey from Ubud. I still didn’t have GPS, so finding my way from Ubud to the main road…

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Day 29: The hot springs in Lake Toba

Today, I stumbled upon the vibrant Batak village and rejuvenating hot springs at Lake Toba. An unexpected start to the day as I woke up at 8 am, realizing a glitch in my planning – I had mixed up the dates. Swiftly deciding to depart Lake Toba that very night instead of extending my stay, I jumped into action after a quick shower. Leaving my apartment, I marveled at the stunning view of Lake Toba just outside. Grabbing my camera, I ascended the stairs to the lobby, capturing picturesque shots of the surroundings. The contrasting weather from yesterday heightened my disappointment…

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Approaching Samosir Island by ferry

Day 28: An eight-hour drive to Lake Toba

We departed from Bukit Lawang at approximately 8:30 am, embarking on an eight-hour journey to Lake Toba. I woke up with a mild hangover, but it fortunately subsided after about ten minutes. As we progressed towards Medan, my discomfort increased to the point where I needed a break. Fortunately, we had a stop in Medan, likely to pick up other travelers joining our van. Given my condition, Michael, the Tobali Tours operator, advised us to take a 45-minute break. I crossed the street to a contemporary Chinese hotel, where I was fortunate to find Western toilets. I took a…

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