

New-Zealand, World Journey

Day 143: One morning in Hobbiton

Today, I’m set to explore a fantastic movie location from The Lord of the Rings—none other than Hobbiton! I rose around 9:00 am, a bit later than planned. Despite the chilly night, I managed to sleep well with my jacket on. After a quick bathroom break to freshen up, I headed out swiftly, en route to Matamata, or at least somewhere in its vicinity. Initially, my GPS was functional, but later it failed, causing some anxiety. These roads stretched for 20 kilometers without any safe spots for a u-turn. I decided to keep going and relied on the…

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The Champagne Pool at Wai-O-Tapu Thermal Wonderland

Day 142: Colors and steam

Today, I planned to explore Wai-O-Tapu Thermal Wonderland near Rotorua—a mesmerizing thermal park boasting numerous spectacular geothermal features. What an extraordinary day it promised to be! I awoke at approximately 9:00 am and kicked off my day. After a refreshing shower and teeth brushing routine, I ventured to the outside terrace on the first floor of the dorm. While the hostel was satisfactory, the bathroom didn’t quite meet my cleanliness expectations, but I shrugged it off. Swiftly departing from Lake Taupo, I cruised down the Thermal Highway (I do appreciate these straightforward highway names, haha). The weather was…

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The cliff where Frodo and Sam saw the elephants in The Two Towers, Queenstown, New Zealand

Day 128: The journey to Lake Wanaka

Today, my agenda included a visit to the majestic Lake Wanaka, but before that, there was something else I needed to attend to. As the clock struck 9 am, I stirred from my slumber to the lively symphony of the girls bustling about, packing and chattering away. The air was filled with an excited energy, a precursor to the day’s adventures. It wasn’t until 9:45 am that I managed to peel myself from the coziness of my bed, eagerly anticipating my turn in the bustling bathroom. After a refreshing tooth-brushing session, I descended to the lobby and gracefully bid…

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Day 126: The Chasm and The Divide

Today’s agenda included a visit to The Chasm and The Divide near Milford Sound. The alarm went off at 9:30 am, prompting me to get up and head to the toilet block for teeth brushing. Yvette was also awake and preparing to leave bed. I noticed I was much quicker, getting ready by 9:45 am while she went, presumably, to the toilets. Check-out time was before 10 am, and as I held my pillowcase, the cleaning lady directed me to dispose of it in a bin nearby our dormitory. She expressed gratitude, as if it were the kindest…

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Day 125: A road trip towards Milford Sound, followed by a cruise

Today, I would visit Milford Sound—a long-awaited moment. It promised a remarkable day, likely yielding the most breathtaking pictures I’ve captured thus far. With over 800 shots taken, the experience was truly wonderful. The beauty of this country is simply astounding. Let’s begin at the start. As planned, I roused myself at 5:30 am, feeling a bit groggy and exhausted. Despite the weariness, I pushed myself to wake up. Yvette was also up, prompted by the alarm. I informed her that I would be waiting in front of the hostel with the car in 10 minutes.Heading towards the…

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Day 123: Through the lands of Rohan

Today I would visit Lord of the Rings land of Rohan near Poolburn dam. I initially woke up at 8:30 am but decided to reset my alarm for 9:30 am. At the designated time, I roused myself and headed to the toilet block with my laptop and phone. Plugging them into a power socket, I took my time there, attending to various morning rituals such as peeing, brushing my teeth, and styling my hair with some gel. Following that, I returned to my car to fetch some soup. Carrying my belongings, including recharging my devices, I made my…

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Day 121: A scenic flight from Lake Tekapo

I woke up 10 minutes before my alarm, welcomed by the crisp morning air at Lake Opuha Picnic Area. An eager anticipation fueled my excitement for today’s exploration of Lake Tekapo. Swiftly leaving my current spot, I activated my car’s heater to ward off the chill. The morning held a delightful surprise in the form of a breathtaking landscape. Although familiar with the lake from the previous day, the majestic mountains in the background were an unexpected marvel. Enthralled by the scene, I snapped pictures, ensuring to capture the remarkably clean toilet block—a refreshing departure from the often unsightly…

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Day 120: Trying to find Edoras

I woke up around 9:30 am, feeling puzzled as the entire dorm was empty, my thoughts lingering on the elusive Mt. Sunday, the mountain I sought to visit today. There were five people sleeping here yesterday, and now they were all gone. Did I get confused again about the timezone change, like I did in Bali? No, I was sure I didn’t. Yesterday, I made sure to check the time online. With only 30 minutes left to check out, I hurried to the kitchen, grabbed some bread, and finished the leftover egg salad from yesterday. I ate as quickly…

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Day 107: Arriving in Lakes Entrance

I awoke at around 9 am, anticipating my arrival in Lakes Entrance on Australia’s southern coast. Having spent the night in a rest area amidst McKenzie Forest, I noticed that all the other cars had departed. Deciding to drive up to a parking spot within the forest, I discovered an entrance road. The water vapor inside the car had condensed, causing all the windows to be covered in water and blur my vision. I couldn’t hit the highway until my car’s windshield was clear again. To achieve this, I had to drive a bit to warm up the engine, and…

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Day 104: The Snowy Mountains Discovery Center

I planned to explore the Snowy Mountains Discovery Center in Cooma today. Upon waking up, I observed that all the other caravans, campers, and cars had already departed. The night before, about six vehicles had occupied this space. Now, at 10 am, I found myself alone in this vacant expanse of gravel. After applying some gel to my hair, brushing my teeth, and taking care of morning necessities, I reflected on my decision to settle at a rest area approximately 20 kilometers north of Cooma yesterday. As a testament to my journey, I decided to capture an image of my…

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