The destination for the day was Pura Ulun Danu Beratan, a temple that had been on my bucket list. I overslept by an hour, missing my set alarm. Despite feeling tired and tempted to sleep in, I compelled myself to get out of bed and kickstart the day with a shower. The clock on my phone read 8 am. Regrettably, I had forgotten to visit Pura Ulun Danu Beratan during my time in Lovina, but I realized I could still make the journey from Ubud.

A Moped Tour from Ubud to Danau Beratan

I still didn’t have GPS, so finding my way from Ubud to the main road leading north to Singaraja proved challenging. I assumed that traveling in a western direction from Ubud would eventually lead me to the main road I needed. However, my plan didn’t pan out as the roads in this area are deceptive, winding in various directions. Soon, I lost track of my orientation, and signposts around Ubud are scarce. I found myself wishing that the Indonesian government would address this navigational challenge.

So, I devised a new plan involving a significant detour. I drove back to Denpasar, then headed in a western direction, following the signs to Singaraja. Eventually, I located the road I was searching for. The journey took me 40 minutes, marked by an intense speed and numerous overtaking maneuvers. I can confidently assert that I became an expert in overtaking that day, having surpassed at least a thousand vehicles in total.

Eventually, hunger struck, prompting me to seek refreshment and breakfast. I made a pit stop at an Indomaret, where I purchased some bread and a drink. Engaging in conversation, one of the employees surprised me by speaking a few Dutch words. Curious about my location, I showed him my Google Maps screenshots of the planned route. He pointed to Abiansemal and informed me that I still had another 30 kilometers to cover. Embracing the more pleasant and less congested road ahead, I accelerated to an average speed of 90 kilometers per hour. As the mountains came into view, I decided to halt for some picturesque moments.

A Scenic Outlook

I was aware that the lake was situated near the mountain, and as the road gradually ascended, I anticipated reaching my destination. To my surprise, the ascent continued, providing me with breathtaking views that I hadn’t expected. Captivated by the beauty, I decided to make another stop for additional pictures. A local offered me a drink, and I gladly accepted. Curious about the remaining distance to the temple, I inquired, and he informed me it was just two kilometers away.

I crossed the road to reach a more optimal vantage point, capturing the images above. The excellent weather enhanced visibility, allowing me to appreciate the surroundings. After a brief 10-minute pause, I resumed my journey, encountering a steeper ascent. As I reached a different section of the mountain, the visibility improved further, offering a captivating view of Gunung Agung. Astonished by the scenery, I found it challenging to keep my focus on the road ahead, prompting me to seek a stopping point for more pictures. Within three minutes, I reached a bustling viewing and parking platform, where I decided to take a break.

I was delighted with the favorable weather. Here, I marveled at the breathtaking panorama featuring Gunung Agung (the highest peak on the right), Gunung Abang (in the middle), and Gunung Batur (far left). On the platform, there was a man with a bat, a few adorable monkeys, and a snake. I took some photographs while maintaining a safe distance.

Pura Ulun Danu Beratan

I resumed my journey after 15 minutes, already cherishing the day. Upon covering 2 kilometers, I reached the temple. Parking my scooter at a designated lot, I paid a nominal fee of two thousand rupiahs. However, realizing the temple was relatively distant (150 meters) and that I couldn’t stroll along the lake’s edge (having to use the main road for walking), I opted to depart. Before leaving, I captured some photographs of Lake Danau Beratan.

Choosing a different parking spot, I left my scooter and strolled toward the entrance, which was now just 10 meters away. I paid a 30,000 IDR entrance fee and ventured into the temple grounds, crossing the courtyard. The temple was truly breathtaking. I spent an hour exploring and capturing incredible photographs. Towards the end of my visit, I approached another tourist and requested them to take a few pictures of me in front of the Meru.

Unfortunately, my visit to Pura Ulun Danu Beratan concluded as I exited through the gate. Beyond the temple, there lay an alley adorned with touristy shops. Having read on TripAdvisor about people being approached aggressively, I was determined not to repeat yesterday’s experience with the lady at Pura Gunung Kawi. Fortunately, I encountered no such incidents and noticed a stand featuring sunglasses. Perusing the Rayban selection, I decided to make a purchase. The lady quoted 300,000 IDR, initiating a round of haggling. Eventually, we settled on 50,000 IDR, and I happily acquired my new faux sunglasses. No more dust in my eyes during future moped adventures. Leaving the temple, I headed south again, in the direction of Denpasar.

After covering another 200 meters, I halted once more to capture some last images of the lake. The scenery brought back memories of Lake Toba. Engaging in a conversation with four Indonesian gentlemen, I shared a few Balinese words, which they greatly appreciated. Despite their limited English proficiency, we managed to understand each other. We even took a photo together, and I handed them my card. They expressed a desire to connect on Facebook.

The Jatiluwih Rice Fields

I proceeded on my journey in search of the picturesque Jatiluwih rice fields situated near Pura Ulun Danu Beratan. After covering a distance of 10 kilometers to the south, I needed to make a right turn. Locating the main road was a bit challenging, so I sought directions and eventually identified the correct route. The road conditions deteriorated significantly from that point onwards, with numerous potholes requiring me to navigate cautiously. Despite contemplating turning back to the main road, which would add another 1.5 hours to my journey back to Ubud, I persevered and ultimately discovered the breathtaking Jatiluwih rice fields. I parked my scooter and captured some exquisite photographs.

As the clouds approached and the sky gradually darkened, I made the decision to depart, considering the time it would take to return to Ubud. I retraced my path back to Denpasar before heading towards Ubud. While the original route would have taken an hour, I opted for this detour to ensure I wouldn’t encounter any navigation challenges.

Back in Ubud

I returned to the resort by 4 pm, feeling the strain of today’s extensive drive. Later in the afternoon, I dedicated time to typing some reports and preparing for an upload. This marked the inaugural upload for my new laptop, and I was eager to see how it performed. The web building program, along with all its data, had successfully transitioned from the old laptop to the new one.

Hence, there was a possibility of encountering errors during the upload, and I fervently hoped for its success. To ensure a stable and strong Wi-Fi connection, I took my laptop to the reception. Requesting the staff to safeguard my laptop for a few hours, I initiated the upload process and departed from the resort. Reflecting on the initial days of my journey in January, I marveled at the transformation that allowed me to make such bold requests.

Burrito, Burrito

In the evening, I headed to Ubud center and dined at a Mexican restaurant, indulging in delicious burritos. The meal was so enjoyable that I decided to order the same dish again! While at the restaurant, I utilized their Wi-Fi to chat with friends and unwind. After an hour, I returned to the resort. However, the upload process was not initiating, causing frustration. Perplexed about the website and its upload issues, I randomly clicked for a response, leading to the familiar Windows ‘not responding’ error. Thankfully, I patiently waited for 30 minutes in the lobby, and the program finally responded. The uploading process commenced!

I have a deep appreciation for the website; though it requires effort, I believe the final result will be rewarding. I instructed the receptionist to leave it as is, assuring him I would retrieve the laptop first thing in the morning. This way, I would have a backup of all the recent pictures I had taken. Upon returning to my room, I watched “Argo” on the movie channel and went to sleep around 1 am.