


Day 118: Goodbye Australia, you were great!

I woke up around 9:30 am, feeling exhausted due to my disrupted sleep rhythm. Today’s agenda included a visit to Eureka Skydeck 88, a must-see for panoramic views of Melbourne. I took my backpack downstairs and stored it in a locker, a service I had to pay for in this hostel, which was a bit disappointing. Until now, I hadn’t encountered any charges for luggage storage during my journey. While I appreciated the overall quality of this top-notch hostel, the cleanliness of the showers in recent days and the condition of the lockers had not met my expectations. After…

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Day 117: Saying goodbye to Sasha.

Waking up in Melbourne at 10 am to a torrential downpour, my frustration grew as I faced numerous arrangements for my ‘Melbourne Departure Day’ the next day. Despite the urgency to unload my car, I hesitated, navigating the challenges posed by the relentless rain. Car Wash and Unintended Consequences I started my day with a leisurely breakfast, savoring each bite. After about 30 minutes, the rain subsided, prompting me to initiate the process of relocating my belongings from the car to the hostel. Over the past two days, I had already transferred some items. Placing the pillows into the box…

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Day 116: A cultural experience: Australian football

Around 11 am, I stirred awake, knowing that I would be meeting Liam in the CBD later that day to watch an exciting game of Australian football. The morning and afternoon unfolded lazily, filled with idle moments of typing and planning for the upcoming days. The realization that my Australian adventure was drawing to a close prompted me to schedule the return of the car on Wednesday. Tomorrow’s agenda included tidying up the vehicle and delivering it to the depot. At approximately 2:45, I rendezvoused with Liam in the CBD, right in front of Hungry Jack’s. Spotting them enjoying Subway…

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Day 115: Great Ocean Road part II: The Twelve Apostles

Anticipating an extraordinary day on the Great Ocean Road adventure, the alarm sounded promptly at 6 am, in line with our plan. After rising for a quick morning routine, we departed the camping site about 10 minutes later. The car was still damp from the morning dew, taking some time to clear. Opting for the well-paved road, we made our way back to the highway, ensuring a swifter journey. Arriving swiftly in the small town we had dined in the previous afternoon, we then set out for the remaining 80 kilometers to reach the Twelve Apostles. Surprisingly, at 7 am…

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Day 114: Cruising the Great Ocean Road: From City to Coast

Anticipating an extraordinary day in Australia, excitement surged through me as I set out on a mission to unveil a hidden treasure. With the sun casting its first light at 7 am, I reached out to Liam, my guide through the uncharted, ensuring my presence by 8:45 am. Overcoming fatigue, I reluctantly left the comfort of my bed at 7:50 am, diving into a flurry of morning rituals. By 8:05 am, I bid farewell to the hostel, armed solely with Google Maps, ready to decipher the enigmas of Victoria. At approximately 8:50 am, I reached Liam’s residence, and without delay…

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Day 113: Exploring Melbourne’s Nightlife

Yesterday was a night to remember. What started as a casual dinner at Veronika’s place, turned into an unexpected adventure that left me exhilarated. We decided to head over to Richmond and before we knew it, we were hailing a cab to take us to the heart of Melbourne’s CBD. As we cruised through the buzzing city streets, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of excitement building up inside me. Finally, we arrived at our destination and stepped out into a massive street teeming with life. Everywhere we looked, people were out and about, enjoying the pulsating energy of…

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Day 112: St Kilda’s Esplanade and a night out

I woke up late in the hostel, feeling groggy and disoriented. Simone and Harry had already left, but I didn’t want to waste a moment in this beautiful city. The weather was simply gorgeous, and I knew I had to get to the beach. I quickly packed my bag with a towel, two cans of Coca Cola, a book and my sunglasses. As I walked towards Coles Supermarket, I passed the Esplanade, a breathtakingly wide street that left me awestruck. I took out my camera and snapped a few pictures, completely lost in the moment. The streets were incredibly wide…

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the Habitat HQ hostel

Day 111: Arriving at the Habitat HQ hostel in St Kilda, Melbourne

Today, I was headed to Habitat HQ, an excellent hostel in Melbourne with secure parking. I started my day with a stop at Hungry Jack’s for the toilet, gearing up for a day of adventure ahead. As I hit the road, my GPS struggled to keep up once in Melbourne, but I eventually found my way to the vibrant city of Melbourne, where I had my sights set on exploring the lively suburb of St Kilda. Upon arriving at my hostel, Habitat HQ, I was met with a slight setback – their car park was full, and I had to wait…

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Day 110: Traralgon

Rising to the brisk air of Rosedale’s rest area, I couldn’t contain my excitement. Today was the day I would explore a town with a name so bizarre, it still left my tongue twisted: Traralgon. But that was just the beginning of my adventure. Despite the chilly morning in my car, I quickly got ready and set off on the road. With plenty of time to spare (tomorrow I could check-in at my hostel in Melbourne around 2 pm), I could stop at any town along the way to Melbourne, and boy, were there plenty. It seemed like every town…

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Sunset at Willow Park, Australia

Day 109: Willow Park in Rosedale

I rose early at 6:30 am, anticipating a rather uneventful day, only to be rewarded with a stunning sunset later at Willow Park in Rosedale. However, upon waking, a hint of nausea urged me to hastily exit the car. After hydrating and a quick pit stop, a flurry of thoughts raced through my mind: ‘You’ve got to be kidding me; I can’t afford to get sick right now. Tomorrow, the real excitement begins!’ In the chilly morning, I layered up with my vest and even donned my winter jacket. Despite feeling an improvement, the cold persisted. Last night, the…

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