


Day 31: Bukittinggi unleashed

Today, I embarked on a journey to explore the vibrant and lush Sianok Canyon in Bukittinggi. Rising with the sun at 4:45 am, I embraced the promise of an exciting day in Bukittinggi. Swiftly changing into fresh attire, I fired up my laptop, connecting with a friend in Holland via a stable Skype connection. Our engaging 30-minute conversation left me invigorated, but soon after, an unexpected bout of illness struck, prompting frequent visits to the restroom. After a brief period of recovery, I opted to catch up on some much-needed rest. By 9 am, my appetite beckoned for breakfast…

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Day 30: Passing the equator, arrival in Bukittinggi

Yesterday, I departed from Lake Toba for a marathon 15-hour drive on the Trans-Sumatran Highway from Parapat to Bukittinggi. At around 11 pm, a minivan departed from the port town, carrying three other passengers. Anticipating a challenging journey, I was aware that traveling by road from Parapat was the only available option. The Trans-Sumatran Highway, leading from Parapat to Bukittinggi, might sound grand, but in reality, it’s far from being a typical highway. Its dimensions are more reminiscent of a Dutch bicycle path than a standard Western-country highway. It became immediately apparent that this road hasn’t seen maintenance in quite…

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Day 23: Activities in and around Banda Aceh

Where do I begin with today’s report? It was a whirlwind of activities in Banda Aceh. I gathered numerous impressions, witnessed beautiful sights, and delved into the rich history of Banda Aceh. My preconceptions about this city and its citizens have undergone a significant shift in these past days. I initially anticipated a more conservative atmosphere, expecting to change my clothes at the Grand Mosque yesterday. However, to my surprise, the locals were perfectly fine with my touristy outfit (t-shirt and shorts). No one appeared offended by my attire. Everywhere I go, the people exude hospitality, accompanied by warm smiles…

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Fountain in front of the Raya Baiturrahman Mosque

Day 22: Visiting the Raya Baiturrahman Mosque

Today, my plan was to ferry back to Banda Aceh, perhaps making it in time for a visit to the Raya Baiturrahman Mosque. I stirred around 5:45 am, snug in my spacious king-size bed. I couldn’t help but think about how much I would miss this resort. Freddies Santai Sumurtiga had surpassed my expectations—it truly lived up to the glowing online reviews. Following my morning shower, I organized my backpack. I found myself among the few early risers enjoying breakfast in the restaurant (they offered an early breakfast for those departing to Banda Aceh). The attentive staff at…

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