Today, I planned to spend most of my time exploring the neighborhoods of Queens in New York. I woke up around 7 a.m., right on time. After a refreshing shower, I brushed my teeth and styled my hair. While packing, I realized I had lost two t-shirts in the Bahamas. “Oh well, things happen,” I shrugged. On the bright side, I found my belt tucked away in my backpack. I thought it was gone for good, but thankfully, it wasn’t.

Around 7:20 a.m., I checked out of the hostel and headed to a Subway shop three blocks away. I decided to eat my sandwich there, taking my time. The bus was scheduled to arrive between 7:50 and 8:00 a.m., so around 7:40 a.m., I started walking toward Washington Avenue, 10 blocks from the shop. I arrived right at 8:00 a.m., just in time to catch the bus. Talk about perfect timing, haha!

Miami International Airport

The bus to the airport took about 35 minutes. Once I arrived, I headed straight to check-in. It was a self-service baggage system, which I loved for its simplicity and convenience. After dropping off my checked bag, I moved on to customs. The security check was smooth and quick, with only a few people in line.

This time, I scored a great seat on the plane in row 9. I knew that if there was any turbulence, it wouldn’t bother me at all.

At 10:20 am, it was time to board. The plane felt brand new, a noticeable upgrade from others I’d been on. By 10:55 am, we departed from Miami International Airport (MIA). The takeoff was smooth, as always. The weather was ideal, and the pilot assured us of an easy flight ahead.

Stunning Views

The views of the East Coast were absolutely stunning. It was wonderful to finally take in some scenery. Time seemed to pass quickly. I tried to read my book for a while but couldn’t quite focus. Instead, I put on some music and gazed out of the window. I found myself marveling at how many people live in this country. All those sprawling cities across the United States—and now, I was headed to the biggest one of them all.

I had planned to get some writing done during the flight, but by the time I opened my laptop and managed to type a few sentences, it was already time to shut it down. The pilots announced the start of our descent. Overall, the service on American Airlines was good, though I wasn’t thrilled about having to pay for my first checked bag.

The views of Manhattan were absolutely breathtaking—just wow. If the plane had been a bit farther away, I could have captured even better photos, but no complaints. The first picture below shows Brooklyn and Queens, with Queens to the north and Brooklyn to the south. To the left, you can see Manhattan, connected to Brooklyn by the iconic Brooklyn Bridge and Manhattan Bridge.

Another Turn

I knew the plane would turn soon since we were landing at LaGuardia Airport (LGA), located in Queens. Conveniently, my hostel was also in Queens. It wasn’t my first choice, but the accommodations in Manhattan were just too expensive. It wasn’t about not being able to afford them—I simply couldn’t justify overpaying when the value didn’t match the price, especially when there were better deals elsewhere.

As the plane made its turn, we were treated to another stunning view of Manhattan.

The views were incredible, starting with Central Park. Just as I was getting ready to capture it, my camera died. “Damn batteries,” I muttered with a smile. Fortunately, I had packed spares—after that first experience in Singapore, I always made sure to be prepared. I swapped out the batteries just in time for a second breathtaking view of Manhattan. The photos might not have been perfect, but I was still satisfied.

Arrival at LaGuardia Airport

The descent into the airport was nerve-wracking as we flew over the water toward LGA. I could see the pilot speeding up, having descended too quickly. After so many flights, I can usually tell when a landing is good or bad, and this one felt off. For a moment, I thought we might end up in the water or that he’d make a go-around, but he didn’t. We landed a bit roughly on the runway. It wasn’t terrible, just noticeably less smooth than the landings I’m used to.

Overall, this flight was one of the most comfortable I’ve had. Before takeoff, I had anticipated a bumpy ride due to the thunderstorms over Miami, but it turned out to be much smoother than I expected.

Once I arrived, I picked up my checked bag and looked up the route to the hostel. I knew it would be simple since it was close to the airport. A bus would get me there in about 10 minutes. Buying a ticket was a bit of a hassle, though; every place seemed to have its own system, and New York was no exception.


A man directed me to the Hudson News Stand to buy a Metrocard, so I headed there. I picked up a 7-day pass for $30, which worked for both the subway and local buses. Exactly what I needed!

Back at the M60 bus, I got on, but the driver told me to insert my card into the machine outside. I complied and stepped back out. Then he asked for the receipt, which left me frustrated. I went back to the machine, noticed the receipt was still there, and grabbed it. Annoyed by the hassle, I finally boarded the bus. A short while later, I arrived at my stop and kept an eye on Google Maps. The bus dropped me right in front of the hostel.

Rewriting all of this highlights how different my approach was this time compared to my usual meticulous planning. Normally, I would make sure I fully understood tickets and transport options before venturing out, researching everything online to know what to expect. But here in New York, I just figured things out as I went along. It’s a testament to how much my confidence had grown—I trusted that everything would work out, even if I didn’t have every detail planned in advance.

The Westway Hotel and Queens

The Westway Hotel was conveniently located in Queens’ neighborhood, which was a pleasant surprise. After checking in and settling into my room, I asked the receptionist for directions to the nearest supermarket. He informed me that I would need to walk eight blocks to get there—it wasn’t too far, but it wasn’t just around the corner either. I hadn’t brought my camera with me, but fortunately, I returned later to capture some photos.

I picked up some Coke and snacks and made my way back to the hostel. As I passed the supermarket, I noticed a laundromat right next door. Since the hotel didn’t have any laundry facilities, I’d have to use this one. Around 6 pm, I returned to sort out my laundry, this time with my camera in tow. I decided to hang out in the area while my laundry was in the dryer, as it usually takes me about an hour to complete the whole process.

After loading my laundry into the washing machine, I took some time to explore the neighborhood. Queens had a calm, laid-back vibe that I found refreshing. I was surprised to see so many Spanish-speaking residents; it added to the neighborhood’s diversity. But then again, New York is known for its multicultural atmosphere.

Subway and Supermarket

I discovered a small mall near the laundromat that had a Subway, so I decided to grab dinner there. After eating, I wandered into an organic supermarket, named Berry Fresh Farms Supermarket, nearby. As expected, everything was pricey, but I picked up a few snacks before heading back.

Afterwards, I called an airline (no spoilers) to make some changes to my return flight to the Netherlands. I waited on hold, listening to classical music for about 10 minutes, but eventually gave up. I figured I’d try again the next day when they were less likely to be understaffed.

Meanwhile, my laundry was done. I took it out of the dryer and made my way back to the hostel.

Evening Work

Back in the 4-bed dorm, I met Drew, an Australian from Melbourne. He was visiting New York for a short city trip, having just come from Boston and heading to Washington next. He planned to stay for a week. Drew mentioned that he wasn’t fond of the hostel’s location, as it was quite far from Manhattan. Personally, I didn’t mind at all—I enjoyed the laid-back vibe of the neighborhood.

In the evening, I took it easy. I relaxed, typed up some reports, and prepared the website for its next update. Tomorrow, I planned to explore Manhattan, which I knew would be an exciting day. The weather in New York was quite pleasant. Around 1 or 2 am, I finally went to bed.